 YU Xiao.Management status of uveal melanoma[J].Recent Advances in Ophthalmology,2019,39(4):398-400.[doi:10.13389/j.cnki.rao.2019.0091]





Management status of uveal melanoma
YU Xiao
University of Debrecen,Debrecen,Hungary
uveal melanomamanagementstatus
葡萄膜黑色素瘤(uveal melanoma,UM)是起源于葡萄膜黑色素细胞的眼内恶性肿瘤。由于其生存率很大程度上取决于原发肿瘤的大小,因此早发现、早治疗非常重要。目前,UM尚无有效的辅助治疗方法。但分子生物学方面的新发现,如GNAQ和GNA11突变和涉及下游信号传导通路MAPK、PI3K/Akt和Hippo为代表的多种治疗,则有助于对UM发病机制的理解。还有研究开辟了新的生物标志物范围,以提高对UM转移的检测。此外,许多研究和临床试验也正在进行中。
Intra-ocular malignancy such as uveal melanoma (UM) arises from melanocytes from the uveal tract.It is paramount to detect early so as to initiate therapeutic plan as much of the survival will depend of the primary tumor size.Currently,no adjuvant therapy has demonstrated survival benefit and new insights in molecular biology,and has improved our comprehension of the pathogenesis essentially through GNAQ and GNA11 mutations and downstream signaling pathways MAPK,PI3K/Akt and Hippo,representing a multitude of therapeutic application.New research has also unfolded new range of biomarkers that could be exploited in this setting so as to improve metastasis detection.Many studies and clinical trials are ongoing.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2019-04-15